Week 5: THRAWN

Week 5: THRAWN

A cold front hit much of Canada this past week and it may have discouraged some kilt skaters. But the Scots have a word for obstinate determination to do something that seems totally irrational to everyone else. That word is THRAWN. And “thrawn” may be the word that best describes those determined to celebrate Scottish culture with bare knees and ice. And pink skates no less!

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North Glengarry shows us a different way

North Glengarry shows us a different way

Weather in the Ottawa Valley has not been kind to plans for kilt skates. When they first envisioned a kilt skate for North Glengarry, the Clan Donald Society imagined kilted skaters on the Alexandria Mill Pond.  But the deep freezes and the rapid thaws and occasional rains of the past weeks made a pond skate impractical.  So they decided to do something different.

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