Did We Get Your Photos?

This year, we’ve invited everyone to send us photos and videos from their own socially-distanced kilt skate. It’s part of the Great Canadian Kilt Skate — Home Edition. Over the past weeks we’ve received terrific photos and videos. We’ve highlighted them over the weekly blogs.

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But now we wonder whether we’re getting all your pictures. In the past week, we’ve been made aware of some that didn’t reach us, even though they were properly hashtagged.


So now we need your help. If you’ve sent us something, please check the Kilt Skate Gallery on the website of the Scottish Society of Ottawa. Under Events, click the last on the list: Great Canadian Kilt Skate.

You’ll find the photos we’ve received under the heading of the city, town or region they came from.

If your picture is not in the Gallery, it means we didn’t receive it. Can you please send it again by emailing to kiltskate@ottscot.ca. Thanks for your patience.

A reminder, the number of photos we receive will be an important factor in helping us choose the Kilt Skate Capital of Canada.


When using social media, please post your photos #ottscot, #ScotlandIsNow and #kiltskate2021CITYNAME. But please also send them directly to us at kiltskate@ottscot.ca. We don’t want to miss anyone!

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