Kilt Skate

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Half Way Through the Kilt Skate Season: Who's in the Lead?

The nation-wide competition to be named 2022 Kilt Skate Capital of Canada began on Hogmanay (New Year’s Eve). It ends on February 28. Half way to the finish line, the photos are coming in: from Montreal QC

…from Moncton, NB

…from Russell, ON.

But in the first month, one city has taken the lead, in spite of the setback of having to cancel its community event. Instead, it has taken enthusiastically to the Great Canadian Kilt Skate’s “Home Edition.”

Across Canada, the surge in the Omicron virus and the tightening of public health protocols led to the cancellation of community kilt skates planned for January in Ottawa, Moncton and Lethbridge.

However, as February approaches, public health protocols have loosened in some jurisdictions, We continue to hope that community events will be held in:

In the USA, kilt skates are also planned for:

But in the meantime, skaters in Ottawa have taken to the ice in their kilts and tartans and have been sending their photographs for inclusion in the Scottish Society of Ottawa’s kilt skate photo Gallery.

In fact, SSO has received videos that certainly capture the spirit of fun and fortitude that characterizes the Great Canadian Kilt Skate. Here one skater shows his prowess on the blades on the ice of the world’s longest skating rink, the Rideau Canal Skateway.

Hats off, in particular, to “Smiling Scott” — aka “The Canadian Beaver.” Scott has a YouTube channel that is usually dedicated to topics involving outdoor camping. His video from his back yard rink certainly captures the spirit of the Home Edition.

Smiling Scott didn’t have the name of the contest quite right. What he is talking about, though, is the annual competition to be named the Kilt Skate Capital of Canada, as part of the Great Canadian Kilt Skate.

There have been many elements that have led to a particular community being named the Kilt Skate Capital. But since the pandemic began, one of the most important has been the number of photos and video submission to the SSO’s gallery.

It doesn’t matter whether your community’s event has been cancelled due to COVID. It doesn’t even matter whether your community has had plans for a kilt skate at all. Send us your pictures and videos!


  • #TartanUp

  • #ottscot

  • #kiltskate2022

  • #ScotlandIsNow

  • #kiltskate2022 — and add the name of your community, eg. #kiltskate2022Halifax

Another full month of kilt skating remains in the 2022 kilt skate season. Com on, Canada! Let’s see some bare knees and ice!